Regenerative Agriculture

Author: Daisy Henderson

Wildfarmed produces delicious, healthy flour and bread using regenerative agricultural practices. At Ways to be Well, we use Wildfarmed in our dishes to ensure optimal quality and contribute to a healthier planet. Wildfarmed’s values and mission align perfectly with our commitment to offering food that is not only delicious but also responsible and beneficial for our customers and the environment.


Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture is a term that is increasingly being used throughout the food industry, but without clear, independent definition, it can be challenging for farmers to understand how to implement it and for people to grasp what it truly means. The term is still evolving, and different stakeholders may emphasise different aspects based on their specific goals. 

Put simply, Regen Agriculture refers to farming that allows the land, soil, water, wildlife and food to regenerate themselves naturally, without the use of artificial ‘cides (pesticides, herbicides or fungicides).


The goals of Regen Agriculture include:

  1. Producing enough nutritious food for the world’s population.
  2. Mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon in soil and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Restoring threatened biodiversity and enhance natural habitats.
  4. Preventing further deforestation and grassland conversion by increasing productivity on existing farmland.
  5. Enhancing farmer livelihoods.


Farmers, understandably focused on making a living, often rely on monocultures, growing the same crops each year, unknowingly reducing soil biodiversity; and the use of chemical ‘cides is greatly impacting ecosystems, with 40% of chemical pollution into our rivers and streams coming from agricultural sources.

Regen Agriculture aims to work with nature, not against it, focusing on a holistic, long-term approach to farming, rather than seeking immediate gains. However, the process requires a significant shift in behaviour and a huge change in our current supply chain. 


“Regenerating our soils, health, water, wildlife and food requires a complete mindset shift; from control to nurture, linear to circular, extractive to regenerative” – Wildfarmed.


Wildfarmed is one of the leading voices in the movement towards Regen Agriculture. They have developed a set of Standards, and work with farmers across the UK striving to implement this change.


Their 5 key farming principles:

  1. No ‘cides, encouraging natural ecological processes.
  2. Cereals grown alongside companion crops to support biodiversity and soil health.
  3. Apply nutrients based on the specific needs of the plant.
  4. Use cover crops to minimise bare soil exposure, protecting and enriching the soil.
  5. Integrate livestock into farming systems to enhance soil fertility and ecosystem balance.


They also aim to support their growers, providing expert advice as well as crop and soil monitoring tools. Their Standards have been successfully implemented into over 100 farms across the UK, reaching crop growth targets, producing better quality and more resilient supplies.

  • 500% increase in invertebrates in Wildfarmed fields.
  • Noticeable increase in birds back into countryside.
  • Wildfarmed techniques mean 2.8kg less CO2 is put into the atmosphere per 1KG of Wildfarmed flour compared to conventional flour.
  • Reduced water pollution.
  • The diverse plant mixtures in Wildfarmed cereal fields means they are full of pollinator flowers, increasing the amount of bees.


Companies like Wildfarmed are driving this change by setting an example of how regenerative practices can be successfully implemented on a large scale. Their commitment to sustainable farming principles is not only improving soil health and biodiversity but also reducing environmental impact. By working closely with farmers and demonstrating the tangible benefits of Regen Agriculture, Wildfarmed is helping to pave the way for a more resilient and eco-friendly food system.